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Técnico Lisboa  >  Education  >  MEC  >  Dissertations

Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Civil


  • Not approved: The degree's Scientific Commission is defining a jury to discuss the dissertation.
  • Submitted for Approval: A jury was proposed to discuss the dissertation but the Scientific Council needs to approve it.
  • Jury Approved: The dissertation's discussion will be performed. The degree's Scientific Commission, after the student delivers his identification sheet, needs too confirmed the dissertation's documents.
  • Documents Confirmed: The documentos submitted by the student are confirmed by the degree's Scientific Comission. The Scientific Council needs to approve the discussion's minutes.
  • Documents Being Revised: The dissertation's documents are in revision, that is, the student is allowed to make changes to the submitted documents. The new documents need to be reconfirmed by the degree's Scientific Commission.
  • Evaluated: The dissertation is evaluated and the grade is published.
